Transfer over strong 1C opening The system uses 5 card majors, 3 card minor French style (1D promises 4 cards unless exactly 4S-4H-3D-2C, 44 and 33 minors are opened 1C), 15-17 1 NT, 20-21 2NT, 2C for the hands just below gameforcing strenght, 2D for the gameforcing hands. 1 C Opening. ============ 1 C - 1 D : 4+H, 6+, Walsh-style e.i. may have longer diamonds. 1 H : 4+S, 6+, Walsh-style e.i. may have longer diamonds. 1 S : 4+D, 6+, Walsh-style e.i. no 4 card major unless responder has gameforcing values. 1 NT: 6-10. 2 C : 5+C, 10+, forcing raise. 2 D/H/S : Strong Jump shifts 2 NT: 6-9, 5+C. 3 C : 0-5, 5+C, with a singleton somewhere. 3 D/H/S : Splinters 1 C - 1 D (All this also applies to 1 C - 1 H). ========= a) Opener accepts the transfer with 3 card support as well as with 18-19 balanced with 4 card support. 1 H : a) 12-14, 3 H, balanced or unbalanced b) 15-17, 3 H, unbalanced c) 18-19, 3 H, unbalanced d) 18-19, 3/4 H, balanced Responders rebids over 1H are natural except for 2 C and 2 NT. (See below). Responder will almost never pass 1 H. b) Heart raises show 4 card support: 2 H : 12-14, 4 H, balanced or unbalanced 3 D : Splinter, 4 H. 3 H : 15-17, 4 H, unbalanced 3 S : Splinter, 4 H. 4 C : 6C-4H, strong (5 losers or less), no void. 4 D : 6C-4H, strong (5 losers or less), with a void. 4 H : 6C-5H, weak c) All other bids are natural but deny 3(+) card heart support: 1 S : 4+S, FIR (=Forcing 1 Round). 1 NT: 12-14, balanced, could be 3-1-4-5. 2 C : 6 C, minimum 2 D : Reverse, 4+D-5+C 2 S : Reverse, 4+S-5+C 2 NT: 18-19, balanced, denies 4 S's. 3 C : 6 C, strong hand 3 NT: 6 C, solid suit, all side suits stopped. 1 C - 1 D 1 H - 2 C ========= 2 C is a relay, showing at least invitational values. Openers rebids are: 2 D : 12-14, balanced. (After 1C-1H-1S-2C: 12-14, 3S, not 4 H). 2 H : 12-14, unbalanced. (After " : 12-14, 3S and 4 H). 2 S : 15-17, unbalanced. 2 NT: 18-19, balanced, 3 H. 3 H : 18-19, balanced, 4 H. 3 Level: 18-19, unbalanced. Except for 2H and 2 NT over 2D/H, all bids are game-forcing. 2 S over 2D/H and 2NT over 2S are relays and ask opener to show his distribution. Other bids are natural. 1 C - 1 D 1 H - 2 NT ========== 2 NT forces opener to bid 3 C. Responder then bids: 1 C - 1 D 1 H - 2 NT 3 C - Pass : Weak hand with 5C-4H. 3 D : 5H-5D, invitational (1C-1D-1H-3D would be forcing). 3 H : 5H-5C, invitational (1C-1D-1H-3C would be forcing). If responder holds a balanced invite, he bids 2 C, followed by 2 NT. The 2 NT transfer is also used after 1 C - 1 D - 1 NT. 1 C - 1 S ========= 1 NT : Balanced minimum, could be 5431, 4441 with short diamonds. 2 D : Unbalanced, 4+D.